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    Monday, December 16, 2019

    DOOM Star Wars inspired movie poster

    DOOM Star Wars inspired movie poster

    Star Wars inspired movie poster

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:08 PM PST

    They were rage, brutal, without mercy.....but she....she was worse...

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST

    My December fanart submission for the Slayers Club.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    What have I brought upon this earth

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:46 PM PST

    20$ well spent on ebay

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    My Slayer’s Club Submission

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    People who shutdown any talk of Doom canon with “its not supposed to have a story its just action” are just as bad as people who try extensively to draw story connections that don’t exist

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:55 PM PST

    I see this on every post asking about story for the classic games or how they fit into the newer games. There are always people insisting that it's stupid to try to make a coherent story of it all, and that is annoying. It's just fun! Sorry! We like to draw the lines in the stories. And when you do so it actually makes perfect sense.

    Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Doom 64 all seemlessly fit into one another as a coherent storyline. But still when people make posts asking where Final Doom fits in, all of the comments are saying it doesn't, its not canon, or that its not supposed to have any story. Well that's not correct. Doom and Doom II are Doomguy going from the Mars moon to Hell, to Earth, to hell, to Earth. Then a fee years later with the 2 chapters of Final Doom, he goes from Jupiter's moon to Hell, to Earth, to Hell, to Earth. Then a few years after that the events of Doom 64 take place, where a very hardened Doomguy (from battling demons across space and earth and hell TWICE) decides to stay in Hell to become its worst nightmare.

    And from there you can speculate whether or not 64 feeds into 2016 but I mean it does make perfect sense. And it cannot be a coincidence that the 2016 developers decided to have Doomslayer originate from Hell, knowing that the last non-reboot game left off with him choosing to stay there. It seems pretty obvious they made that choice in order to open the door to 64 speculation

    submitted by /u/TommiAquinas
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    Anyone else notice the new Arachnatron design?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST

    The Game Awards trailer revealed a cyberdemon attack - he can be seen firing a volley of rockets into the air

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:25 PM PST

    People like my Hellraiser edit so here's another one!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:50 PM PST

    DOOM Eternal's UI is missing something important. BARS. [LONG + TL;DR]

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:08 PM PST

    DOOM Eternal's UI is missing something important. BARS. [LONG + TL;DR]

    (There is a TL;DR, but the long post has pictures.)

    Ever since Eternal's gameplay has been revealed people have complained that the UI is too cluttered and bright. The devs listened to that, and now you can turn things off if you don't want them, and you can change the colour scheme too. That's great! But there's something to the UI I think should be ADDED, at least as an option. Bars.

    The devs' explanation for the cluttered, colourful UI is that "you need to see exactly what you have when you're moving around at 100 miles per hour". Fair enough! I haven't played the game, but from what I've heard that's helpful. You know what isn't helpful, though? The fact that ammo is displayed as a single number.

    Picture this scenario in both Doom '16 and Eternal:

    You're holding a rifle with a small amount of ammo that carries a maximum of 200, and you've just rounded a corner and 12 demons have turned around to face you.

    In Doom 2016, you glance at the ammo counter, see a bar that is about a fifth of the way filled up with the number 30 above it and think "there's barely any ammo in this thing". From there you either take out a different gun or you chainsaw an enemy for some ammo.


    In Doom Eternal, you glance at the ammo counter and see the number 93 in a box. What do you think then? How do you know how much ammo that is in relation to your maximum capacity without having to stop and think about it for a second? While thinking about this you either:

    1. stop still and get hit for no reason
    2. press the weapon wheel button (and bring the game to a crawl) trying to pick a weapon that looks like it might be full
    3. go "fuck it" and try and take the demons on with 93 ammo out of a maximum of 200
    4. or you chainsaw an enemy on the off chance that you don't have a lot of ammo and he'll fill you back up

    Credit where credit is due, the hue of the ammo counter changes if the ammo is low, but this should be paired alongside an easier visual indicator to give that extra information of exactly how much ammo can be held in a single weapon.


    Which one of these scenarios is faster? The one where you see the bar and know straight away, or the one where you see a number and don't know until you've either committed the exact amount of ammo your current upgrade level lets you carry for every ammo type, or you've already tried and failed? The question is rhetorical, it's obviously the first scenario.

    "Just remember how much ammo you have when it's full and then move on!" Good point, except some guns take the same ammo as other guns and use different ammo per shot. It's a lot easier to remember how many shots you have left if one shot is one ammo. You have 100 shots left in your rifle, with a maximum of 500 shots. Not hard to remember. But, for example, the new gauss cannon thing takes 15 ammo per shot. 500 ammo with something that takes 15 ammo a shot is around 33 shots. This is much easier to understand with a bar that goes down 6% every time you fire it than it is with a static number that just decreases with no simple visual indicator that shows the amount it's at along with it's maximum.

    "If you have 100 ammo you probably know that's not a very high number!" Again this works in some situations and not others. If I have 100 ammo in my shotgun, for example, I know it's good to go. But 100 ammo in a chaingun can get chewed through very quickly. Or what about the BFG, which has a max ammo capacity of 3? 3 is a small number and if I'm a new player I can't visually know that it's a max of 3 until I try picking up the ammo for it, and by then an imp might have torn my arm off or something.

    "Well fine then! But what if the devs dont WANT to add bars, because they take up too much space?" That's cool. If that's the genuine reason that makes sense. But they should at least either give us the option or, easier, put the maximum ammo capacity underneath the current ammo count like the picture below (but better). It wouldn't make the situation with the gauss cannon as clear as bars would but it would at least let you switch to it and think "40 ammo out of 500? Nope. Shotgun time."


    I'm posting this because I know the devs actually listen. They change shit back and forth for us and I'm very thankful that they do that. I'm also posting this in case I'm fucking insane and there's an obvious rebuttal to this that I'm missing. If there is one, though, my friends haven't noticed this either, but when I showed them the new gameplay the first thing they brought up was that there aren't any bars.

    TL;DR - The new ammo counter is hard to read in the heat of battle because it has no reference point to what the max ammo capacity is. A bar (or an additional max ammo counter) would fix that.

    submitted by /u/tdtbaa
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    My classic DoomGuy art.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Doom -Get ready to die

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    Working on something quite interesting in notes currently... more soon

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Star Wars Doom Mod

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:27 PM PST

    Hi Reddit,

    I'm making a Star Wars themed Doom mod, I was wondering if I could get some people to help me with the following - Spriting, Map DESIGN (Just designing the map), play testers, and someone to upload it to doomworld.

    If you are interested, DM AcidmanRPGz#4223 on Discord so we can work out the details and deadlines.

    Just saying, I can't pay anyone. This is entirely for free.

    EDIT: Is there a way to use 3D models instead of sprites?

    submitted by /u/Acidman0123
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    Fan short film

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm currently in the early stages of planning a doom fan movie and would love to get peoples opinions on what to and not include in it?

    Edit: spelling

    Development blog if anyone is interested:


    submitted by /u/notagamedevyet
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    While we drink water for hydrate ourselves, dooms guy drinks this

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:39 PM PST

    I cant wait to fuck some shit up with this

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:29 PM PST

    Made "Doom Guy Goes John Wick" a long time ago. Thought it would be a good time to post this. Hope you like it!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:28 PM PST

    DOOM 1/2 Weapon IRL Counterparts

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:40 PM PST

    Real Weapons/Tools

    Chainsaw: McCulloch 2.0 Eager Beaver

    Pistol: Beretta 92FS

    Super Shotgun: Stoeger Coach Gun (Sawed-Off)

    Chaingun: M134 Minigun

    Plasma Gun: M60 Machine Gun


    Shotgun: TootsieToy Dakota Shotgun

    Chaingun: TootsieToy Ol' Painless

    Plasma Gun: Rambo M60 Machine Gun

    BFG 9000: Creatoy Roargun

    The plasma gun's origins seem very bizarre at first, so allow me to explain: the sprite was created when the Rambo M60 Machine Gun toy was turned around so that the barrel is facing the person wielding it, and then pictures of different holds were digitized and cleaned up. If you look up the Roargun, it also doesn't seem very likely, but if you look at the textures on the sides, you'll see many similarities. The same toy was also used for many door textures.

    I hope this list can help spice up your next visit to the shooting range and/or Toys R Us. Personally, I know what I'm gonna be testing out during my next trip to the range. More information may come to light, in which case I will update this post. I may also add a list of the closest real-life weapons/toys I can find at some point. In the meantime, have fun ripping & tearing some paper targets and/or cans!

    submitted by /u/Expa_Addi
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