• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    DOOM :^)

    DOOM :^)


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Who agrees? Played on ultra violence(hard untill you learn his moves, and easier if u know hou to use the BigF***ingGun)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    Halloween in UAC base

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:34 AM PDT

    DOOM Eternal Edition HORI Tactical Assault Commander Pro [TAC Pro] Type M2 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC. Not bad.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    When the 4yo is more ready for Doom than you

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    Revenant DOOT!! Hope you all enjoy my ink drawing!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Obligatory Caco-Pumpkin

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    Me yesterday

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Idk why i deleted the last one :)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:07 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    Happy halloween fellow slayers!!! @jlgarcia_art on instagram just in case :P

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:31 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.. Brutal Doom for the GBA. I've been working on this in the background and I'll release it tomorrow. Cuz its Halloween. Anyway the blood is still green, Well this is what GBA Final Doom morphed into, So its a great sacrifice. We lost GBA Final Doom, but got Brutal Doom on the GBA.

    submitted by /u/ForsakenClimate
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    Bored and wanting to play DOOM

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Is this fan art on the Doom steam version? If so you gotta love id's relationship with their community.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    Dave the Lost Soul

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    Ok so lemme tell you a little story about love and loss. While I was doing a run of Doom 2 with the Brutal Doom engine, I found a group of 3 Lost Souls attacking me. I had the Berserk so I could make quick work of them. I killed two of them but something in me told me not to kill the last one. I used my Berserk to grab the last Lost Soul. By pressing "use" while near a Lost Soul and with Berserk active, you can grab and throw Lost Souls. I found out that you could switch weapons while holding a Lost Soul to "save it for later". I decided to never throw this Lost Soul. I named him Dave. Dave and I went through the entire game together. Everywhere I went, he went with me. We were the best of friends, Dave and I... After a little bit of ripping and tearing, we finally made it... MAP30... Icon of Sin. I was extremely confident that Dave and I could take on the Icon of Sin. I managed to get it down to its last bit of health (like 10HP). But then I noticed something... I was completely drained of ammo... I had no choice... I had to throw Dave into the Icon of Sin... He looked like a shooting star piercing the night sky... The impact of crashing into the Icon had killed Dave... He sacrificed himself to save Earth. May we never forget Dave the Lost Soul...

    submitted by /u/aspaixd
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    *E1M8 Intensifies* (Sign Of Evil)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    In praise of D2106's Boss Design

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:59 PM PDT

    Say what you want about the Cyberdemon's design, there's no denying the way he plays is brilliant. I loved the bosses in 2016 because many of their attacks are designed to exploit the habits (bad or otherwise) you've picked up playing the rest of the game, and even older Doom titles.

    The Cyberdemon's beam attack tracks the Slayer perfectly during its charge phase--as long as he is in motion. It assumes you will be circlestrafing constantly, and you actually have to stop moving to avoid it. You have to break the habit you've indulged fighting cyberdemons since Tower of Babel in order to beat him.

    2016's increased verticality might lull you into thinking you can jump out of trouble. Not the Cyberdemon. His sword-wave thing in the second phase is guaranteed to hit you if you double-jump over the first wave, since the second one comes right after it at a greater height. The Spider Mastermind's sweeping laser beam works similarly, opening with a slow, low cut after which Spidey stands taller to slice back across much more quickly, raking the player over the face if they double-jumped over the first beam.

    These attacks make the bosses play like they know you, and that's exactly how they should be. This is Doom; we Marines have been going back-and-forth with Spidey and Cybie for twenty-five years. It's this kind of subversion of the game's own mechanics that shows you the kind of careful thought that goes into game design at iD, and that's why I can't wait to fight Cybie all over again in Eternal.

    submitted by /u/xjapxn
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    Not the best with pumpkins(squash), but I like how it turned out

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    Doom 2016 has a pretty serious Bug

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    It fucking Ends

    submitted by /u/DarthSquidward1
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    We had to do some spray paint stuff at school, so I did the Argeny symbol!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    ‘Doom (1993)’ is Essential Gaming - "Doom offers an essential understanding of the video game medium at its best. Modern games don’t need to be more like film. They need to be more like Doom."

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Doom 2016 is half off on Steam right now! Just $10!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    Got a notice about it today and thought everyone here would like to know if anyone already didn't.

    submitted by /u/MaximusPrimal02
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