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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    DOOM I did it boys, I finally did it

    DOOM I did it boys, I finally did it

    I did it boys, I finally did it

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Surrounded by Doom!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:13 PM PST

    the villager

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Some Doom Eternal meme

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:00 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Throughout all of DOOM 2016 the Doomslayer was completely naked under the Praetor suit.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:47 AM PST

    do you think there's a dick pouch in it?

    submitted by /u/bagelel
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    Demons better be ready

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST

    Wife got me a Reaper cyberdemon for our anniversary!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Slayer got himself a friend. A Goblin Slayer.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    1:00 AM is the optimal time to make memes

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    I did a 3D sculpt from DOOM Eternal's Arachnotron!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Doom on switch is great

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:31 PM PST

    I found this poster in my nearby comics shop and immediately bought it (Sorry for low resolution)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Running Ultra-Nightmare and found one of my runs from 2 years ago

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:43 PM PST

    Found this at random on Youtube... Listen at 1.25x speed for best experience.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Why does everyone seem to hate doom 3 So much?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:38 PM PST

    I remember playing it as a kid and scaring the shit out of me, and i enjoyed it, i recently finished doom(2016) and liked it a lot, it's my fav doom, and when i looked at some reviews of it everyone started saying how good it was and bashing doom 3 at the same time, saying it's the sequel they deserved, and that doom 3 was shit, i liked doom 2016 more but i still love doom 3

    submitted by /u/TopithePRINCE
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    Reached Max level last year. Still proud even though its on switch

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:41 PM PST

    Is Satan canon in Doom?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I'm not much of an expert on the lore of the game, but I was wondering if Satan was canonical in the series, and if not, is there leader of hell?

    submitted by /u/abosulte_biscuit
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    Is doom 2016 for the switch worth it?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:25 PM PST

    So I will end up get 50-60 dollars for my birthday and should I buy doom for my switch? I know I can get it physically for my switch for 50 or 40 bucks. Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/imasaddog
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    Doom Eternal Pc: Digital vs Fizical

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:01 PM PST

    Hello all. Big question for those who will buy Doom on pc. What version of the game will you buy? I have Doom 2016 on fizical but it is useless and I like to have boxes/ cases in my gameing colection. But I really dont know what to do. It is worth it to buy fizical? Does it come with something inside? ( map/ thank you card: AKA- CDPROJECTRED?) Thanks for all who take time to answer.

    submitted by /u/Anoobysz
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    Fine, ill do it myself.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Design Discussion: Doom 2016 & Eternal demons sounds & audio cues.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    Doom Eternal design question: Demons sounds & the audio cues they give and what do they mean for the player.

    Hello, so before I start a quick disclaimer, Doom 2016 is easily one of my favourite games and with no doubt the most entertaining single player FPS for me since Half-Life 2. I will assume people interested in this thread will have absorbed all the content and information ID has been giving us over the past two years about Eternal and are avid players of Doom 2016. Let's go then! I want to discuss or atleast bring up with you what I believe is no "minor" aspect of the game that is Doom 2016 and that will be Doom Eternal. I'm talking about the Demons sounds and audio cues that are given to the player as you play the game and fight the several different monsters. Take also this quick reminder that Doom Eternal is said to feature twice as many monsters as Doom 2016, we're probably talking in the 25-30 monsters range without counting variants. I don't want to jump at conclusions but I figure that means twice the amount of audio sounds for demons right? So okay with that I might have teased you about what this is all about. With the premise out of the way let's get right into this by tackling at this aspect from what I would say are the 2 faces of the same coin, which are in my honest opinion, equally important, these are the Gameplay aspect, and the Immersion or Entertaining aspect of it.

    1) THE GAMEPLAY ASPECT , of the sounds demons play from when they spawn until they die.

    My concern here, because this discussion whole starting point I missed to share is that I find the quality of Doom 2016 sounds design most of the time not good enough for what it demands of the player, which is to manage a horde of demons all around him and without the benefit of normal gallery shooting games where the enemies are usually in front of you and you're given features and level design to support frontal and distant engagements, with the occasional CQC, now this is all bullshit to you, we know, we're talking Doom, push-forward combat and all, so let's go back to the topic, I'm talking in regards of the inconsistency with demons sounds playing in relation to their current actions and status, may that be them spawning, attacking, dying, being hit or in vulnerable state and possibly others. One example is the lack of much or any audio cue when an enemy is sometimes attacking you or sneaking to attack behind your back, I've had this always when an imp got to my back and just hit me out of nowhere. Sometimes even possessed (zombies) do this as either they're doing that 200decibel scream every moment or they're quiet. Some monsters don't have this inconsistency like the Pinky, as he's from memory always roaring as he charges. So the concern is mainly about this inconsistency of audio cues being given to the player when he's about to be attacked by a monster, when he has staggered the demon or as a demon is anyway just approaching him or repositioning around. Even something like footsteps I can't recall much of it being something you can rely on. I can understand that with several monsters around, the guns shooting, the music and everything there isn't so much "room" for more audio as maybe it would amount to too much. But I felt playing Doom 2016 that Audio wasn't often an indication you could use reliably when it came to help you assess your situation during combat. With what we've seen and been told of Eternal combat is even more frantic and fast-paced, so I figured that this should also be an aspect to improve over the first game. Which developers may have already done in some ways, I have only played the demo once so I can't speak much about it. We've seen the damage indicator direction in Eternal, but the game's lacking a minimap which is also totally fine, arenas are bigger apparently and there might be more monsters on deck at any given time, if this is the case I feel that it could help the player dramatically to have more informations about his surroundings other than just his actual sight visualization of them. This should cover my feedback and if more specific information per monster is required I could inquire further on a per-monster experience basis to provide accurate feedback on this matter. From what I remember of playing my 150+ hours of Doom 2016 I felt that imps where the biggest offenders, as they're a super dangerous enemy at High Difficulty and one of the most effective at actually managing to get into melee range, with much more success than a Hell Knight from experience, given their smaller size and number they're easier to lose track of. Actually, I now remember something about Eternal's gameplay from when I played, I clearly remember a Hell Knight in one of the arenas where I just turned around a moment and he was literally on top of me, now if you didn't play the demo, these pressure units as Hugo has called them have MUCH better tracking and speed to help them being on top of you very often, something they couldn't do just as good in Doom 2016 as it is easier to keep them at bay and bait them around terrain. I Think in Eternal they have more than one jump attack with different cooldowns or something. So it is all the more important to be able to hear them being close behind your back, this could be a roar, a growl, whatever, or heavy footsteps given their size, but the audio volume could need to be raised accordingly. So this is an example of how Demons sounds affect your gameplay and inform the player of the situation without relying on a minimap or directional damage feedback (you've already been hit!) This should cover the gameplay aspect, possibly showing the reasoning behind improving what in my opinion is a lacking Sound aspect for Demons in Doom 2016.

    2) THE IMMERSION OR ENTERTAINMENT ASPECT , of the sounds demons play from their spawn to their death.

    My other concern in this case is all about the raw pleasure that derives from hearing a demon scream, wail and otherwise cry you slain and tear him apart. Yes yes, this is all quite the gruesome talk but this is Doom come on, popcorn violence and all. In my defense all, one of the critics people have been finding about the Doom Eternal demo was that sometimes there was a "lack" of a good enough feedback from the monster as you're literally gouging his eye out with his own nail or claw whatever (in the case of the arachnatron), Most recent footage of Doom Eternal from the 26th Anniversary stream, which we understand is still Work in Progress, shows a Baron of Hell being decapitated and while it does emit a shrieking roar as you're about to get it over with I feel that the audio there isn't loud or delivered good enough. Even most of the imps as they're either slain by bullets and various guns don't seem to play any death sound or scream or whatever. Mind that this is also for Doom Eternal, in Doom 2016 imps deaths sounds are lame more often than not. This is all very minor feedback as you can see, the game's so awesome only thing I can find myself wondering about is a small details like these, I'm mostly just interested in the thought process behind it and the philosophy of development in relation to monsters sound and how much of an impact that makes on us, the players who get to do all that sweet sweet demon slaughter. Again, I've played the Doom Eternal demo once, but I don't recall much of it about altough I kinda wanna think I tried to keep an ear out for that too, but the game was also a demo, so my experience and feedback on this is again mostly from my time with Doom 2016. Now talking about Doom 2016 I have to say my experience overall with monsters sound and "presence" on the battlefield to be lacking really, Sure I'm usually playing while blasting Mick Gordon's diabolical soundtrack at maximum but even when I did the blasphemy of lowering it I couldn't quite make out the enemies presence, it didn't feel much as a battlefield and more as an arcade shooter really, as the monsters sometimes don't feel "really" there. What I kinda wanted in Doom 2016 was for more monster to randomly roar during the combat, and for that roar which might even be there in game to be stronger and make you hear it. Even the other day as I was playing I had just cleared one arena in Titan's realm but then I found out I was still missing a monster, a Mancubus no less, not your average imp for measure. He was quietly on his way to me and it was quite anticlimatic let's say, he should have been all angery and demonic while coming for my guts.

    CONCLUSION or Where do we go from here?

    Now I'm no game designer, so I don't know all the technical limitations, or from a design perspective, the challenges of "too much audio clutter" but wouldn't it be a cool feature to improve on demons sounds where possible? Is there anything that can be done like make the last demon in the arena make his presence known a bit more, or give the player's an audio cue when they're about to attack for the gameplay aspect of it. There are some aspects of this addressed in Doom 2016 already. The pinky always plays the roar sound when he's charging at you. IMPs screech when they do their LETHAL charged attack (on Nightmare+), But it's not telegraphed well enough imho. These are the little details that I'd like improved that could go a long way to increase the enjoyment and feeling of control of the experience, or is it indeed to minor a thing that doesn't require said attention? Hugo and Marty have said repeteadly that Doom Eternal especially is like driving a sports car, and so they want the UI and the various features of the game to keep us informed at all times of the situation, just like the various instruments on said car's display. And the Sounds design is just as important in giving us all that feedback. Something I'm 100% sure the developers at ID know and better than me, but for Doom 2016 I really felt it lacking at times.

    Again on this, the old Doom Games have such Iconic sounds like death animations, doom guy's being hurt and other sounds such that people to this day still talk about most of them! Sure they're corny 8-16 bits whatever sounds but they're iconic and most importantly they keep the player informed about the status of their gameplay, things like monster's presence, monster's attack, monster's death. Now I might be taking this further than it really is but I think that some of this should be in Doom Eternal, for all I know it might already be there and fully functional, we're a couple months away from release still so until I get that game I won't know how much of this will impact my experience with this already great game. As I was writing this I took the next logical step and went into Snap map to try some 1on1 with some Demons and got the results I was talking about, Imps are mostly silent, they do give an audio cue as they do their charged attack, but as they come in melee range or anyway move around nothing much, no growl, no sound indication whatsoever, they're also lightfooted and you can't hear them approaching much in a skirmish with their footsteps. Also I haven't tested all glory kills but most of them are silent, which is a crying shame, no painful feedback to satisfy the trophy taken. Then I tried a Baron of Hell, no wonders I don't remember what he sounds like, it's quite.. tame, he has a screech yeah, but that's all he does, it's high pitched and not very dangerous for the mighty giant he is, it reminds me of a xenomorph from alien which is around 2 meters tall, not fitting I'd say? His death sound is also quite unimpressive, especially as you glory kill them. So yeah I don't think there's much else going on past this.

    What about this last tease of what the standard could be, now we all know thanks to noclip's interviews how much love went into creating the first sequence of the game. Remember the very first demon you get to slay, the possessed scientist, how much fun it is hearing his teeth go clack clack clack as he's trying to take a bite at you as you hold him tight from his socket in the skull? That gave that particular demon a **** ton of personality and really helped sell for basically everyone how cool this game was from the very start. I really feel like we need more of this. I have also another hint of how much this is actually helpful for the experience, Hugo during the quakecon footage told us that his favourite glory kill was the one we've been teased in the Story trailer, where the Slayer rips off the armbone of a Prowler and then shoves it into his face killing him. That pained screeching of the Prowler is exhilarating isn't it! So yeah, long story short, Tl-dr: Make the enemies SCREAM as they come for us, make it known how much they hate us, and how much they suffer as we slaughter them, the Cyberdemon roar in 2016 was easily the best roar in the entire game, you could feel it! But then as you fight him he's all silent, even as he charges the arena with rocket boosting he's completely silent, and once you get to kill him for good he just sorts of barely laments it. Missed chance in my book! Rage and Anger are the #1 Textbook feelings of Doom 2016 and even more so Eternal, now our character is already mute, in the next one he starts grunting, let us also have some of that feeling of rage and suffering channeled through our enemies as we do our work.

    Again, this is such a good product already that this critique is all in good faith, on any other aspect of Eternal I cannot find anything I can complain so far, not even the UI colours or whatever, since they're functional to their purpose and even then we can customize pretty much all about it. Doom 2016 is a raw gem, Doom Eternal is definetely shaping up to be a refined diamond, unique in it's kind.

    Thank you for reading through all this. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/TorokFremen
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