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    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    DOOM only 2 days

    DOOM only 2 days

    only 2 days

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Classic Doom. It felt amazing to do this

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    DOOM Meme

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    :,( (Inspiration from U/UnreadyPlayerZero)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    I guess these demons are actually "Maykrs", since the middle one showed up on an artwork similar to the new twitter post

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:59 PM PST

    So I recently installed DOOM 2016 on my PS4, and I felt inspired (PHOTOSHOP)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:28 PM PST

    Decided to make a Doom banner! Should I make it look worn and torn?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Worked a little more on my Baron of Hell DOOM 2016

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:56 PM PST


    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Death from above

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    Urdak, Homeworld of the Maykrs

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Little PSA for anyone lucky enough to win a slayers club lithograph. Michaels has a borderless frame for it that’s only a few bucks. The size is 5x7 for anyone interested. Hang it up easily with 3M damage free hooks that you can get there too. Images are showing it off in 2000k LED and Red LED.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    Types of cacodemons

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

    DoomGuy, DoomSlayer, Gordon & Master Chief Vs Demons. (I draw like a child but I love Doom; XD)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Missing Textures in Project Brutality 3.0 (and Brutal DOOM) on LZDoom.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:06 PM PST

    I know we are not entitled to anything, but...

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    This friday was supposed to be the day. Now I am all for the delay, if it means a better product. But a part of me just wishes we would get something to push the hype train just a little bit.

    Whether it's some video footage, or them releasing the Mars demo for everyone to play (I'm stretching it, I know), I just wish we would get something a bit substantial. The more recent short videos were nice, but they were trailers, not actual gameplay.

    I think another 4-5 minute video like the gameplay they showed at E3 would be pretty fucking nice.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/Th3MaN1
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    Collecters edition restock?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:17 PM PST

    I've been a fan of doom for awhile and decided to pre order the game and I thought, what the he'll and decided to save up for the collectors edition. But lo behold its sold out and I was asking if anyone knows if it will ever restock ( for xbox one specifically )

    submitted by /u/TheATAQKing
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    Could DoomGuy Defeat the Christian Hell?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:51 PM PST

    It's about time someone asked this question. So after playing DOOM 2016 and the original doom games I found that DoomGuy is really really Overpowered to the point where he scared hell like hell. DoomGuy Has a lot of strength and a really big asenal not the biggest but big. Even though the DOOM Hell feared him the Doom hell is really powerful, so let's assume DoomGuy Beaten the doom hell on Ultra-Nightmare since it is the most realistic difficulty and the most challenging by far. DoomGuy's Weapons Include: Pistol. Combat Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Heavy AR, Chaingun, Plasma Rifle, Gauss Canon, Rocket Launcher, Chainsaw and BFG 9000. His powerups are: Haste, Invincibility, Quad Damage, and Bezerk. Lets talk about some possibilities. Demons, So the demons from doom are pretty powerful but tbh the ones that some people pictured in the catholic hell look like a joke tbh, in our hell they look like wolfs just with a lil more mussel, In doom the demons look rather intimidating. 1. Going to hell. Without a doubt DoomGuy will probably spot a demon first thing and kill with whatever, then other demons would get suspicious and come to see whats going on then Doomguy BFG 9000'S them then this is when hell probably would bring a large army of demons in every direction so then he would use his chainsaw or maybe go bezerk, and one thing to note DoomGuy can easily patch himself up by just killing demons in general so the more demons there are the less he needs to worry, and yes demons can die in our hell, people say their immortal but not really they can die but they are immortal to dyeing of old age or illness or natural causes. What do you think would happen in this battle?

    submitted by /u/ShepardHunter
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST


    I need help, I've played Doom for a little over 14 hours and a graphical bug just started showing up where my screen starts melting and doesn't go away no matter what I do. I restarted my computer, uninstalled the game. It's unplayable and I need help!


    submitted by /u/dat1b0i
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    I think doom eternal might be better than doom 2016, and the possibility of a third doom title in the reboot franchise

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    Well I think this because doom 2 was my favorite of the old doom franchise I think the icon of sin was the coolest boss I fought, and that's why doom eternal might be my favorite in the reboot series. I think icon of sin might be a boss but not the final boss, I feel like they might do a deal where you think sin of icon is the final boss but the true final boss is right after the icon of sin, I just hope you don't have play on a harder difficulty to fight the true final boss. Like in mega man x8 and some of the old snes games you had to play on the harder difficulty to really beat the game. And just like the old doom series, think this one will have a third follow up? The thing about doom 3 it was fun but sometimes you couldn't get to places because certain doors required passcodes.

    submitted by /u/sefus2055
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    What's this song?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:56 PM PST

    What's the name of the song from this Doom wad map?


    The title isn't listed in the wad's description: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/m-o/nochance

    Apologies if it's not from Doom, but it sounds like it could be from the game's OST.

    submitted by /u/Silicon-Based
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    Physically Impossible Maps?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Is it theoretically possible to create maps that would physically impossible in the real world?

    For example if you go into a room and open a door immediately to your left four times, and find yourself in a totally separate room to the first room you were in (which obviously is what 'should' happen).

    Whether it's on the old Doom engine or any other engine for that matter, is it a theoretical possibility to have a game like this? I think it'd open up some cool, counter-intuitive/brain-melting possibilities.

    submitted by /u/_-__-____---_-__--
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    idea for doom 3 reboot

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:51 PM PST

    I was thinking if they make a quake reboot, maybe they can some how find way to tie the quake game into doom, maybe have doom guy and quake guy meet up in an epic doom game, maybe it would be like when sonic and knuckles met they weren't friends because robotnik as what he was called at the time made knuckles think sonic was bad, maybe they could do something similar with doom slayer and quake guy.

    submitted by /u/sefus2055
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    Just wanted to share my doom mod called Shrine!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

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