• Breaking News

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    DOOM Holy Shit, Mick you legend! I was tweaking with the track "Hell on Earth" (which is also in 5/4) and had the idea to put the main riff notes (D, Eb, C#, E, C) and put them on the circle of fifths. You get a fucking Pentagram! How awesomely metal!

    DOOM Holy Shit, Mick you legend! I was tweaking with the track "Hell on Earth" (which is also in 5/4) and had the idea to put the main riff notes (D, Eb, C#, E, C) and put them on the circle of fifths. You get a fucking Pentagram! How awesomely metal!

    Holy Shit, Mick you legend! I was tweaking with the track "Hell on Earth" (which is also in 5/4) and had the idea to put the main riff notes (D, Eb, C#, E, C) and put them on the circle of fifths. You get a fucking Pentagram! How awesomely metal!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Kanye Maykr (my friend made this and asked me to post it)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Okay Sakurai since we got a Fallout costume in Smash, can we please get this guy in npw?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Can we talk about how lame this guys Glory Kills are, I mean, a throat slash, really. We get to rip rib cages open, decapitations and dismemberment but a simple throat cut for this powerful demon. Lame

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Made this GTA style Doom poster with photoshop. I think it’s pretty neat.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    The Details in this game never stop impressing me...

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    doom is temporary, but memes are eternal

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Gettin’ funky

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    That one fight in Urdak on Nightmare...

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    happy father's day yall <3

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I know this isn't much, but I made a little cacodemon out of porcelain. I don't know why but I love him

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I love this skin/podium combo

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    The Slayer after killing the Icon of Sin

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    An uninteresting title

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Just when I thought this game couldn't be more metal

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    The Slayer vs The Titan

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    I'm getting there one way or another

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    My own Cacodemon re-design (I'm working on the other demons as well)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Happy birthday quake!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Nice little Doom meme

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    (WIP)(OC) Corrupted Nun from Order of Deag

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    it's really him

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Modern problems should be dealt with.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

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